Java was primarily developed to run on a great variety of computer systems and computer-controlled devices. It is also known as WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere). So, the developers of the Java keep in mind to provide the users with various features that earn its popularity. These features also included in the white paper of […]
C++ Vs Java
C++ is the advanced version of the C Programming language. Java Vs. C++ lies in the procedure follows by each programming languages. C is a procedural language whereas C++ follows an object-oriented paradigm. Like Java, C++ represents the class and objects and has an Object Oriented Concept. In this article, we’ll discuss some difference between […]
Variables in Java
Variable is the reserved memory location in the main memory (RAM). It is made up of “vary + able” that means the value can be changed. The actual value in the memory location changes during the execution of the program. int number=50; //number is the variable Java Variables A variable is like a container that […]
Data Types in Java
The data types defines the type of values that a variable can take, for example, if a variable has a float data type, it can only take float values. In Java we have two categories of data type: 1) Primitive data types: The primitive data types include Integer, Character, Boolean, and Floating Point. 2) Non-primitive data […]
Data Structure and Algorithm | Reference Notes
Stack Stack is a data structure in which last element inserted is the first to come out, Last In First Out (LIFO). Static Stack is implemented with array, and pointer (end) for inserting and removing element from the array. Stack has push, pop, display methods. class stk{ int data[]; int top; public stk(){ data = new int[10]; top = […]
Data mining and Data warehousing | BIM | TU Solution | Year 2022
Group A 1. Data mining and Data warehousing Brief Answer Questions. 1. Mention any two data mining techniques. Classification: This is a technique used to categorize data into different classes or groups based on their attributes or characteristics. It involves building a model that can predict the class of new data instances based on their […]
Unit 1: Orientation and First Steps
PHP is a popular server-side scripting language that is used to develop dynamic web applications. Here are some orientation and first steps to get started with PHP: Install PHP: The first step is to install PHP on your computer. You can download the latest version of PHP from the official website. You may also need […]
Database Management System | Notes | BIM, BBA, BIT, BCA, BSc.CSIT, BBM, BCIS,
This contents are for references purposes only. Look this content according to your syllabus. This contents covered syllabus for BBA, BIM, BCA, BSc.CSIT, BIT, BCIS, BBM, BBA-F, Computer Engineering. You can access others content from “DBMS Additional Files” Button.