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Study Notes NepalPosted in BCA, BIM, BIT, BSc.CSITTagged Basic Definitions; Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra; Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra; Boolean Functions; Canonical and Standard Forms; Digital Logic Gates, Digital Computers and Digital Systems; Binary Numbers; Number Base Conversions; Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers; Complements; Binary Codes, Introduction and Design Procedure; Adders; Subtractors; Binary Parallel Adders; Encoders and Decoders; Multiplexers and Demultiplexers; Read-Only Memory (ROM); Programmable Logic Array (PLA), Introduction; Flip-Flops; Triggering of Flip-Flops; Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits, Registers; Shift Registers; Ripple Counters; Synchronous-counters; Timing Sequences; Memory Unit, The Map Method; Two- and Three-Variable Maps; Four-variable Map; Product of Sums Simplification; NAND and NOR Implementation; Don’t-care Condition