BNK 214: Commercial Banking Operations – BBM Notes (Focus Area III)
Commercial Banking Operations – Notes
Study Notes Nepal Posted in BBM, 5th Semester, ManagementTagged ABBS, account closing, advance payment types of L/C, Agency Services, Approval, Asset liability management, ATM. Challenges from innovation., Back office, Brach less banking, Card services: debit card, Cash Operation, Client account maintenance, composition, Concept and nature of bank credit, Consumer loan, convertible and non-convertible currency, Corporate loan, Credit administration, Credit appraisal, credit card, Credit marketing, Credit monitoring and supervision, Credit process, Credit recovery, Credit risk and its management., Demand/notice Deposit product, Deposit marketing and customer care services., Deposit Mobilization, Disbursement, Documentation, Electronic Banking Services, eligibility, essential documents, exchange rate determination, FEDAN, Fixed call, Font office back office, Foreign Exchange Service, function and responsibilities, Funded/non funded, Granting Credit, Internet banking, Introduction, Introduction to the Business of Banking, Know Your Customer, letter of credit/ guarantee, Loan classification and provisioning, major parties, Meaning and concept, Meaning and concept of e-banking, Meaning and nature of bank's deposit, meaning of Nastro and Vostro accounts, Non- performing loan and performing loan, prepaid card, Procedure of account opening, Revolving loan, risk associates., Risk in Banking Business, Roles and responsibilities of (ALCO)., roles and responsibilities of different parties, saving, scope of treasury, Security, Tele/mobile banking, Trade Finance, Treasury Function, Type and structure of charge, Types of credit: Term loan, Types of deposit: Current, Valuation1 Comment on Commercial Banking Operations – Notes