Artificial Intelligence (AI) Notes | BIM | BSc.CSIT | BIT | BCA | BCIS
Following are the chapter-wise notes Chapter 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence For PDF: CLICK HERE Chapter 2: Agents and Environments An agent is anything that perceives its environment through sensors and acts upon that environment through sensors. For PDF: CLICK HERE Chapter 3: Informed and Uninformed Search For PDF: CLICK HERE Chapter 4: Knowledge representation Knowledge is a […]
C Programming | Structure Programming | C++ | Notes | BIM, BSc.CSIT, BCA, BIT, BCIS
Following are the chapter-wise notes on C programming. Chapter 1: Introduction of a C programming For PDF: CLICK HERE Chapter 2: Elements of C A set of characters that are used to form words, numbers, and expressions in C is called a C character set. For PDF: CLICK HERE Chapter 3: Operators and Expression An operator is […]

IT 217 : Computer Organization and Architecture | Notes | BIM, BSc.CSIT, BCA, BIT
This Notes is provided by respected Deep Raj Bhujel Sir, Team Study Notes Nepal is very thankful for is support toward us. Also Read : Computer Organization [Assembly Language Program]
Unit 6: Introduction to Classes
Class Fundamental Java is a true object oriented language and therefore the underlying structure of all Java program is classes. Anything we wish to represent in a Java program must be encapsulated in a class that defines the state and behavior of the basic program components known as objects. Classes create objects and objects use […]

Web Programming – I | BIM 3rd Semester | Solution
Year 2018 Differentiate between HTML and XHTML documents. HTML and XHTML both are markup languages used for creating web pages and our applications. HTML and XHTML both are almost similar but some keydifference between HTML and XHTML make them apart from each other. XHTMLis the extended version of HTML only with help of using XML […]