Data Mining and Data Warehousing | BIM TU Solution – 2021

Brief Answer Questions: i. How data mining differ with data warehouse? The main difference between data mining and data warehousing is that data mining is a process for analyzing and extracting data whereas, data warehousing refers to the process of sequentially storing data after extracting it from sources. ii. What are the main parameters to […]

Search Engine

Unit 8: Search Engines

Search Engines Search engines are a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web. Search engines utilize automated software applications (referred to as robots, bots, or spiders) that travel along the Web, […]

Unit 4: Association Analysis

Introduction Many business enterprises accumulate large quantities of data from their day-to-day operations. For example, huge amounts of customer purchase data are collected daily at the checkout counters of grocery stores. Table 1 illustrates an example of such data, commonly known as market basket transactions. Each row in this table corresponds to a transaction, which […]

Unit 3: Classification

3.1 Introduction Classification is the process where a model or classifier is constructed to predict categorical labels of unknown data. Classification problems aim to identify the characteristics that indicate the group to which each case belongs. This pattern can be used both to understand the existing data and to predict how new instances will behave. […]