Study Notes NepalPosted in BBA, BBM, BBS, BIMTagged – trends and issues, an overview of business legislation in Nepal, and consumer protection., and environment and energy management issues in Nepal., and financial sector policy reforms., and global business environment, and monetary policy; liberalization of the Nepalese economy and capital market reforms, Business and its environment, Business and technology, business-government relations, class structure and classification, components of socio-cultural environment., current status of technology, Dimensions of the economy, e-business, economic development plans, economic policies and reforms - industrial policy, employment trends and labour market issues, energy situation in Nepal, environmental analysis – process and techniques, factors contributing to competitive business environment in Nepal., family structure and social organizations, finance, foreign direct investment in Nepal, Global Business Environment, Government and its branches, industry and agricultural sectors – performance and emerging challenges, intellectual property, investment, IT Policy of Nepal, legislations relating to labour, major problems and challenges facing Nepalese economy, migration and foreign employment, natural environmental issues, Nepalese Constitution, performance of industry and agricultural sectors, political parties, Political structure in Nepal, political-legal, privatization policy, regional grouping of nations, regional trade agreements in South Asia – SAARC, risks involved with Nepalese political environment and the emerging issues, SAFTA and BIMSTEC, SAPTA, scanning methods, socio-cultural changes and their effects on business., technological, Technology and Energy Management, technology transfer issues, The topics include socio-economic, tourism policy, trade policy, types of business environment, use of environmental analysis in strategic management., WTO and Nepal.
Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: Macroeconomic Environment
Unit 3: Political-Legal Environment
Unit 4: Socio-cultural Environment
Unit 5: Technology and Energy Management
Unit 6: Global Business Environment
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